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  • Wisnu Adi Putra. S.Kom

ICT FASILKOM offers all lecturers, employees and students of the faculty and support concerning questions and problems related to ICT.

  1. Single Sign On (SSO)
  2. Email Account & domain official address
  3. Hosting with FTP / SSH for students / lecturer research
  4. Co-Location Server / Cloud services
  5. Maintenance & Troubleshoot Network / PC / Notebook
  6. MRTG Monitoring traffic
  7. TV Advertisement Broadcast *
  8. Mobile Apps *
  9. E-Library & E-archives *
  10. VoIP Number (PABX connecting) *

* The future services

Applications running on Faculty

  2. TSA
  3. SIMTA
  4. OS Ticket
  5. Digilib
  6. SIMUH
  7. VOIP
  8. Forum
  9. Blog
  10. Streaming

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding the services provided or require further information please e-mail ict (at)