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Posted on Oct 3, 2023 in arsip 2021 | |

[ WORKSHOP PROGRAM KREATIVITAS MAHASISWA ] Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh🤗 Ada informasi menarik nih untuk kalian yang tertarik mengikuti Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa kini FASCO FASILKOM UNSRI akan mengadakan Workshop mengenai Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa 2021 dengan mengusung tema “Meningkatkan Ide dan Kreatifitas jiwa muda Untuk Generasi Emas” Workshop akan dilaksanakan Pada : 📆 : Minggu, 21 Febuari 2021 ⏰ : 09.00 WIB s.d Selesai 🖥️ : Zoom Meeting App 🗣️ Pembicara : 1. Hedi Yunus S.Si – IT Consultan at PT Bukit Asam Tbk – Internship at PT Pupuk Sriwidjaya Palembang – Awardee of International Youth Leader, Malaysia – Mahasiswa Berprestasi II Fasilkom UNSRI 2. Cynthia Caroline S.Kom – Finalist of The 32th National Students’ Scientific Project Contest ( PIMNAS ) – Respresenting for across the South Sumatra Province in 2 Teams of Invention category, held by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia – Gold Medal, The 31th National Students’ Scientific Project Contest ( PIMNAS ), best research poster for Literature Review category, held by Ministry of Research, Techology and Higher Education of Indonesia – Finalist of The 31th National Students’ Scientific Contest (PIMNAS), Applied Technology category, held by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia

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